Local offers
We offer a variety of local deals, for instance cinema parking, locally reduced parking prices and general informations to our customers.
Launch of the Commuter product
Lysaker Torg Parking garage is centrally located in Lysaker with immediate distance to Lysaker station, which offers bus and train connections to the center and beyond.
Centrally parking when Ring 1 is closed
Ring 1 closed 1st of July 2024 due to the tunnel upgrade. The road between Oslo Spektrum and the intersection Pilestredet/St.Olavsgate is closed for three years. Here are your best parking options.
Experience Sørenga
Take a trip to Sørenga, park your car at Sørenga P-hus and experience a pleasant atmosphere whether you are going to visit one of the many restaurants, take a walk along the harbor promenade or explore some new outdoor activities.
We manage several parking facilities for Heimstaden, where we offer season tickets. Here you get an overview and your best options of the various parking facilities.
We manage several parking facilities for Merkantilbygg, where we offer season tickets. Find your closest parking facility today.
Cinema parking
Nordisk Film Kino and Aimo Park have a cooperation agreement that gives you as a parking cinema customer a good and affordable price for parking. You will only pay 83 NOK between 6pm - midnight every day when parking at Colosseum and Vikaterrassen.