
Rektor Ørns gate 2

Here you can find all the details about our car park Rektor Ørns gate 2, in Skien. Welcome to Aimo Park!

Rektor Ørns gate 2 View in maps


  • Number of parking spots: 50
  • Indoors: No

Opening hours for short term parking

No short term parking at this facility.

About the facility

The outdoor parking Rektor Ørns gate 2 is centrally located in the center of Skien and is a closed facility for long term parking and prebooket 24h-parking. The parking facility is located next to the old Brekkeby school.

Icon of parked car

Do you want to order a Season ticket?

A season ticket is perfect for you who park often. Drive in and out without having to pay for each parking. Order a season ticket by pressing the "Buy long term rent" - button above.

Do you want to order a Season Ticket as a business?

Business Web login, here!

We offer a web based portal for businesses that want to buy season tickets and give parking rights to employees so that they can manage their own vehicles.

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