
Tønsberg Sykehus

Here you can find all the details about our car park Tønsberg Hostpital. Welcome to Aimo Park!

Christian Fredriksen View in maps

Short term prices

Short term prices

  • Tønsberg sykehus
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    NOK 244,- first 24 hour (Continuous parking)
    NOK 240,- per 24 hour (Continuous parking)

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,50 first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,50 per commenced 20 minutes

    NOK 244,- first 24 hour (Continuous parking)
    NOK 240,- per 24 hour (Continuous parking)

    FLEX: Fixed price NOK 59 + regular tariff. Invoice fee: NOK 12,50
  • Tønsberg Sykehus – ved BUP
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,- per commenced 20 minutes
  • Tønsberg Sykehus – ved Akutten
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Max 3 hour parking

This facility is only available for short term parking.


  • Number of parking spots: 1136
  • Number of disabled parking spots: 18
  • Drive through height: 2,05 m
  • Indoors: No

Opening hours for short term parking

  • Mon–Sun:
    IN  00–24
    OUT  00–24

About the facility

Parking outside on Hospital grounds

Short term parking

We offer short term parking in this facility. Payment is done to the paymnet machine located on site.

Parking with the EasyPark App

You can pay using the EasyPark App on this parking location.

Available for iOS and Android, download the EasyPark parking app now


Parking garage

Illustration of car and camera

Aimo Park Easy

This parking facility has cameras that registers your license plate at the entry and exit - our system will automatically calculate the duration of your stay.


Parking with the EasyPark app

In this facility you can use the EasyPark app for automated payment.

Available for iOS and Android, download the EasyPark parking app now


Short term prices

  • Tønsberg sykehus
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    NOK 244,- first 24 hour (Continuous parking)
    NOK 240,- per 24 hour (Continuous parking)

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,50 first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,50 per commenced 20 minutes

    NOK 244,- first 24 hour (Continuous parking)
    NOK 240,- per 24 hour (Continuous parking)

    FLEX: Fixed price NOK 59 + regular tariff. Invoice fee: NOK 12,50
  • Tønsberg Sykehus – ved BUP
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,- per commenced 20 minutes
  • Tønsberg Sykehus – ved Akutten
    Every day, 08-21
    NOK 17,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 13,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Every day, 21-08
    NOK 10,- first commenced 20 minutes
    NOK 6,- per commenced 20 minutes

    Max 3 hour parking


  • Coin payment
  • Credit card payment
  • Disabled parking
  • Mobile payment
  • Mobile phone coverage
  • Public transportation

Payment methods for short term parking

  • Circle K
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Shell card
  • EasyPark
  • Cash